

if there is one word that is misused today aside from “decimate”, it is “socialist”. Just turn on the news or go on the internet and you’ll hear somebody call someone “socialist” the same way somebody pronounces “fascist”. It’s another example of somebody taking a good name and dragging it through the mud, like the word “fag”. It used to be a great English food but now it’s just the word you use to yell at some random person from inside your cardboard box on the street.

Part of the problem for this is that bunch of people took socialism and turned for their own ends instead of the peoples, which why people are so scared of it. Instead of thinking words like “Lenin” when I say Socialist, people automatically revert to words like “Stalin” or “North Korea”. But hey it’s not like democracy has a good run with it’s leaders either. I mean just think democratic leaders like Bush or Clooney they were definitely not good leaders, but you don’t hear people slinging around the word “democratic” right?

And speaking of leaders you know who helped fuel the fear for Socialism? The world leaders. Because a democratic society usually has one person on top and all the little people on the bottom, whereas a socialist society has everyone working together for everyone, not the person on top. If people suddenly realized that “hey wait a minute we should work together not for each other”, the leaders would have to kiss bye-bye to their comfy chairs on their comfy thrones in their comfy big houses.

But you know what the funny thing is? Where everybody is afraid of socialism like it’s the second coming of Stalin we’re already pretty much a socialist society. I mean we’ve got free healthcare, free rescue workers, and free education. Some countries even have the government do their laundry for free, or take care of their children.

So I’d say all in all, either people need to wake up or shut up.

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